
FMAB Fanfiction Memorial/continuation

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After Lon Fon's repairs, everyone, for the exception of Winry, returned to the Elric Estate. The following day was another day for Tsukiko and Marith in the nation of Amestris. They were busy training with their chosen Alchemy; Death Alchemy. After awhile, May Ling yelled through the window to them.

"Dinner, you two!"

They cancelled their Alchemy and walked inside. They sat down and was busy eating their dinner. As they were eating, Homer, Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell-Elric's son spoke up.

"Mother, are we going to visit Grandma Elric?"

Winry sighed, "Yes, Homer, we will, tomorrow."

They continued in silence. As soon as they were done and Tsukiko was helping May with the dishes, Marith walked outside in the dark.

Tsukiko leaned towards May, "Who is this Grandma Elric? Was she the short lady we met?"

"Oh?" May looked at her then shooked her head, "No. Elric is Edward's Mother. She's buried nearby."

"Oh." Tsukiko sighed, then looked at the calendar.

The calendar have the date "October Eleventh" circled in red.  Soon, Tsukiko and Marith were getting ready for bed when Tsukiko told Marith about the date.

"Buried?"Marith looked at her with a emotionless face, but Tsukiko knows that she was hinting surprise, "That means we be going to a cemetary tomorrow."

The following day, they travel to the local cemetary. Everyone was dressed in black, which was normal for Tsukiko, Marith, and Suna, whom is wearing a black vest. They placed some white roses onto Trisha's and Holeheim's graves. Marith was watching them from afar. After everyone whom was nearby the graves took care of their business, Lon Fon walked over to Marith.

"Want to come with me to Central? I need to take care of something."

Marith sighed, "Alright. Tsukiko!"

Tsukiko and Suna both jogged over to Marith, "Yes, Marith?"

"I'm going with Lon Fon for a bit. Make sure you train your Alchemy." then Marith's eyes going into a creepy-glare, "If you don't do it or lie to me about doing it, I'll be forced to punish you."

Tsukiko felt afraid, "Y-Yes, Ma'am!"

Marith's face went back to normal, and gave a small smile, "Good. That's what I like to hear. Suna, please make sure she does her chores and training, Okay?"

Suna gave a single bark, as of saying, "Right!"

Marith smiled, then petted Suna, before walking away, "Let's go, Lon Fon."

Lon Fon looked at her, a bit shocked of how quickly her moods can shift into some scary areas, "R-right.", then she followed Marith.

After an hour drive, they arrived in Central. As they were walking to some of the stores, Lon Fon was looking at Marith, on occation. Marith, despite not looking at her, know that Lon Fon was staring at her.

"Is there something upsetting you, Lon Fon?"

Lon Fon was stunned by Marith's direct question, "Yeah. Mainly about you. How long have you been training Tsukiko?"

Marith sighs, "For awhile now. After I rescued her from some punks in Xing. She begged me for a whole month before I relented and trained her."

"Did you ever knew you were a Humonculi?"

"I never knew I was one until that blasted dream." she sighed, "If I had known, I would've killed my father earlier."

Lon Fon looked at her, surprised.

Marith sighed, "He was my biological father, then he ended my life before I knew it. Then he put a philosphier stone into me, thus making me into a Humonculi, forevermore. So, without realizing it, I was his creation to be used however he saw fit. I was always perfect in everything I did because I was created as a Humonculi to be perfect. I'm trying to teach and train Tsukiko to be perfect. I don't care how many years it might take as I got time. There is only one way for her to be a Death Alchemy Master, and that is to kill me. Eventually, I must act out in a way to get her to focus on carrying out the act."

Lon Fon sighed, "I feel sorry for her to have to kill you, whom is her relative and Master."

Marith nodded, "Agree. I feel sorry for her more then I feel sorry for myself. I have forego empathy for myself long before I met her."

Lon Fon sighed. They were walking by a Military Cemetary. Marith looked into the cemetary and saw two ladies standing nearby a headstone. From a picture on the Elric mantle, Marith recognized them. She walked into the cemetary and upto the ladies.

"Hello, Mrs. Hughes and Miss. Hughes." Marith curtsied.

The older lady turned towards her, "Do we know you?"

"No, but I live with Winry and Edward Elric, the FullMetal Alchemist and his brother Alphonse Elric the Armoured Alchemist. They have a picture of both of you on their mantle."

Then the younger one, whom is about ten years old, turned towards her, "How is Sissy?"

"She's doing good. She's currently busy with Auto-mail stuff in Rush Valley." Marith smiled, "Her two children are a bit of a handful for Edward, among household chores without his Alchemy."

"I would like to visit them someday." the young lady sighed, "Forgive me, but who are you?"

"I'm Marith Gloomwood, a State Alchemist. This is Lon Fon, the Emperor of Xing's personal guard, and no, he's not here in Central." Marith smiled.

"I'm Alicia." Alicia curtsied, "And this is my mother. We were visiting Father before we head home."

Marith looked at the tombstone and it read, "Brigadier General Maes Hughes".

"The famous Maes Hughes whom caused the Furhur, Roy Mustang to go onto a blood feud against the Humonculi all those years ago." Then Marith looked into Alicia's and Mrs. Hughes' eyes, "He loved both of you with all of his heart. You two were all he ever focused on and that gave him the drive to change the nation of Amestris."

All three ladies were shocked at what Marith had said. Lon Fon nearly dropped their groceries that she was holding.

"How could you tell all that if we never met before?" Mrs. Hughes asked.

"Easy." Marith sighed and smiled, "It is one of many side-effects that my Alchemy had granted me."

"Wow. I wish I could learn it." Alicia smiled.

Marith shooked her head, with a smile, "No, Alicia, it is more of a curse then a blessing to know so much about a person, as sometimes it go into lives of so many people without meaning to."

"Oh." Alicia sighed, "It would be helpful for my dream job."

"What is that, Alicia?" Marith asked.

"To be a Amestrian Soldier." Alicia smiled.

Marith looked into Alicia's sparkling eyes and was beginning to see something she rarely see in people: their future. She was seeing, at first the eyes, then the face, before seeing the entire body of an adult Alicia, about thirty years in age, saluting. Marith saw an elderly Roy Mustang and an elderly Risa Hawkeye giving medals to the group of soldiers. When they arrived at Alicia, they added a second Silver Star to her current one, thus making her a Major General, one rank higher then her late Father.

Then Marith start seeing a darker vision. It appears to be about two years after the first vision, but Alicia still have the two-star rank. Alicia was walking into a dark building with two lower ranked soldiers. They entered the run-down, basically abandoned building, which appeared to be a school or hospital of some sort. Suddenly a howl was heard and a wolf skull clamped around the lowest ranked soldier and ripped off his head. Alicia ordered the remaining soldier to fire, which he did. They both retreated as fast as they could. As they were running, the wolf skull, which was on a bony chain came flying fast at Alicia, whom used a table to slow it down, which happened.

As they were still running, the lower-ranked officer ran out of ammunation, so he stashed his gun and took out two gloves. As the wolf head made another strike at them, the man slammed his fists together, then into the ground, creating a giant stone wall.

"Good job, Major Stonewall!"

"Thank you, Ma'am, but let's keep going!" Stonewall replied.


They continue to run.  They ran into a giant room that appeared to be a gymnasium. Stonewall created a perimeter around the Room. As they were resting, Alicia was studying the room.

"What are you doing, Ma'am?"

"I'm trying to put what Master Elric had taught me. Both him and Lady Elric had taught me alot before I join the Military and during my entire time in it." Alicia smiled before she put down five knives in a pentagon formation.

She threw a few more in other areas. Then a wolf skull bashed down one spot. Alicia triggered her Alkahistory traps, but the figure, whom was carrying a scythe with the wolf-skull-bony-chain attached to it. The figure was wearing a black Xingese-style military uniform, but it isn't the normal Xing uniform.

"Create a statue!"

"Right!" and Stonewall created a wall of them.

Alicia threw more knives, which osmosised into the statues. Then she triggered her Alkahistory again, which caused the statues to move. The statues all charged at the figure, whom effortlessly, bisected them, before quartering them. The figure then threw the skull at Stonewall. He created a wall, but the figure's fingers moved, which caused the skull to veer around the barricade and landed into the right side of his ribs, biting deep.

"Stonewall!" Alicia clapped her gloved hands together and created a decent sized Reversed-Gillotene, which severed the connections the skull had with the Scythe.

The gloves had an Alchemy circle on them. The figure walked, confidently and femininly, towards them. Meanwhile, in the present day, the three ladies were become afraid by Marith's morbid and horrified face and demeanor, but Marith is unable to hear their pleas to wake up. Marith is frozen in fear.

Back in the Vision, Marith, as well as the other two, was seeing a more feminine figure. Alicia growled at the Figure.

"How could you betray us! Sissy's husband was your supervisor!"

The figure chuckled, which sounded Xingese, quite similar to a chuckle Marith remembers, but it was far more sinister then normal.

"Oh, the FullMetal brat might've been my supervisor, but I owed him no such loyality. I only owe loyality to three people in my entire life; my cousin, Suna the Sand-wolf, and my Commanding Officer whom will help me to rescue my cousin from the corrupt Xingese prison." the figure smile, showing fangs like a wolf, "This former site of the late Fifth Labatory will be an excellent base of operations to get unwilling recruits for the Commander's Coup that he's going to be doing against the Emperor and the Auto-Mail Empress."

"You know her?" Stonewall asked, holding onto his wounds.

"Of course. I had known her for quite some time." Alicia glared and growled, "Ain't that right....Tsukiko?"

Then the figure walked into the light, showing a young adult, much out of time, Tsukiko holding her broken Scythe. Tsukiko smiled, a few moments before a slightly larger-then-average female Sand-Wolf walked into the room. It's left eye, which is on Alicia's right side, appeared to bear the Orobos tattoo.

"Now a half-Humonculi, Kiko? Both of you?" Alicia asked.

"Yes. Suna is gifted with the God Eye while I have the God Spear." Tsukiko smiled.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Lon Fon had already suggested to Mrs. Hughes to bring Alicia home and comfort her while Lon Fon try to snap Marith out of the Fear-Striken appearance. It took Lon Fon about another thirty minutes, before Marith screamed and fainted. The scream was a blood-chilling and blood-curling scream of GENUINE terror, a first for Marith. Lon Fon placed the bag of groceries on top of Marith before carrying both back to the Elric household. When they arrived, it was already dark and Winry was back home. Edward jumped when Lon Fon kicked the door off of the hinges.

May and Winry both quickly attend to Marith, while Tsukiko, on Lon Fon's suggestion, took care of the groceries. Once they put Marith into her bed, Lon Fon was in the living room with all the adults, as the two children were safely back in bed.

"What happened?" Winry asked.

"I don't know. We were talking with Alicia Hughes and her mother in front of Maes' grave. Marith seemed to be staring at Alicia a lot. At one point, she wouldn't look away. That's when her face began to shift from normal emotionless, to sheer terror. It took over thirty, maybe sixty minutes before she screamed and passed out. The scream was so terrifing that it made my blood ran cold and congelled. I have no problem watching Amestrian horror films and be fine. This was the real deal, a real scream of a terrified woman whom had seen death itself."

Tsukiko sighed, "Marith's 'Connection Sight' ability came through again didn't it?"

"If you are talking about her telling them, on our first meeting, that Maes Hughes had loved them so much that they were his inspiration to change the nation, then yes."

Tsukiko smiled, "That's exactly what I'm talking about. She probably saw Alicia's future." she frowned.

"Her Future?" Lon Fon asked, "I thought that was impossible."

"Normally, it is. If it did happened, this would be the fifth time it had occurred." Tsukiko sighed, "Four other times, they were all happy futures, all of them came true."

"But the Future isn't set in stone." May argues.

"Normally, no." Tsukiko sighed, "Unless the person is so focused on making it reality, no matter the hardships."

"What was Alicia's goal in life?" Al asked.

Lon Fon sighed, "To be an Amestrian Soldier."

"She'll have a long hard road in front of her." Ed commented.

"That's not all, Elric." Marith decended the staircase, still trying to hold onto anything for support.

May ran to her and help her over to a chair.

"Can you please fill in the rest for us, Marith?" May asked as gentle as possible.

Marith lowered her head, "I can."

The room became quiet, as quiet as a morgue.

"When I was beginning to see Alicia's future, she had aged about twenty years when an elder Roy and Risa gave her a new rank. One higher then her father's rank." she sighed then continued, "Then it went about a couple years later, that's when it started to get dark. They went to a school of some sort, according to a figure,whom I'l mention later, said that it was on the site of the former Fifth Labortory in Central."

A collective gasp from all except from Marith and Tsukiko.

"Then a figure attacked her and two others. One of them was a Stone Wall alchemist of some sort. Alicia was using a combination of Metal Alchemy and Alkahistory." Then she looked up, "May Lin and Alphose Elric are her Master and Lady whom taught her these things. Before she ever entered the Military."

The couple looked at each other, more surprised then anything. Al looked over at Ed, whom had a thumb's up, congradulating him at being a trainer.

"The figure mentioned about me being in a Xingese Prison and about a corrupted Emperor." which caused Ling to look up, pouting, "And his Auto-Mail Empress."

That line caused all to look directly at Lon Fon, whom instictly blushed at the sudden attention.

"H-Hey, wait! I only protect him from harm! I-It's forbidden for me, a protector and servant, to be in love, let alone to marry my Liege!"

"You were more public then Old Man Fu." Ed mentioned, and got a Kunai-wrench combo as a reply.

"That's not the worst part. The figure was someone I trust whom became a half-Humonculi. She acquired the God Spear, similar to Lust, while her sidekick had the God Eye, smiliar to Wrath." then she sighed and looked at Tsukiko, "The Figure whom attacked Alicia twenty-two years from now, is you, Tsukiko Shinigami and Suna."

Tsukiko fell onto the floor, in shock that she would be the one to attack her fellow friends. She was beginning to cry at the mere thought.

"I-It can't be true!" Tsukiko cried, which got Winry to hug her instantly.

"If we do not have Alicia join the Military, but be more of a traveler with Al and May, then she may not have to suffer."

Then Marith stood up, walked over to the door Then she opened it and sprotted bony wings which began to flap. Before anyone could stop her, she was flying back to Central. After about fifteen minutes of flying, she landed on the remains of the Fifth Labatory. She hid herself on the roof and start crying as quietly as she could.

(End of this section, for now)
This is both a Memorial story as well as a Continuation of my FMAB storyline.

© 2014 - 2024 wolf12832
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